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Friday 21 January 2022

Matlab Code On Blood Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Full Source Code | IEEE Based Projects


             Leukemia Blood cancer is the most prevalent and it is very much dangerous among all type of cancers. Early detection of blood cancer has the potential to reduce mortality and morbidity. There are many diagnostic technologies and tests to diagnose blood cancer. However many of these tests are extremely complex and subjective and depend heavily on the experience of the technician. To obviate these problems, image processing techniques is use in this study as promising modalities for detection of Leukemia blood cancer. The accuracy rate of the diagnosis of blood cancer by using image processing will be yield a slightly higher rate of accuracy then other traditional methods and will reduce the effort and time. We first discuss the preliminary of cell biology required to proceed to implement our proposed method. This project presents a new automated approach for blood Cancer detection and analysis from a given photograph of patient’s cancer affected blood sample. The proposed method is using image improvement, image segmentation for segmenting the different cells of blood, edge detection for detecting the boundary, size, and shape of the cells and finally clustering for final decision of blood cancer based on the number of different cells.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Python Code for Secret Key Based Image Encryption Decryption Using AES Algorithm Python Project With Source Code


            During the last decade information security has become the major issue. The encrypting and decrypting of the data has been widely investigated because the demand for the better encryption and decryption of the data is gradually increased for getting the better security for the communication between the devices more privately. The cryptography play a major role for the fulfillment for this demand. The purpose of this project is to provide the better as well as more secure communication system by enhancing the strength of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. AES algorithm was known for providing the best security without any limitations.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Python Code for Paddy Leaf Disease Detection and Pesticide Suggestion Using CNN Python Project With Source Code


           Agriculture is the main backbone for most of the developing/developed countries; agriculture production itself is the main feed for ever growing populations and it is the major source of income for the rural people/farmers especially in India. In India farmers are called “the backbone of India”. The main aim of the proposed system is to detect, classify the diseases and suggest pesticide to recover from disease in paddy leafs. Paddy leaf Diseases Classification done using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifiers and then suggesting pesticide respectively. The proposed system has been experimentally tested for our own dataset and results achieved are encouraging.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704

Friday 1 February 2019

Matlab Code for Neuro Fuzzy Based Image Fusion Using Image Processing

           Image Fusion is a process of combining relevant information from a set of images into a single image. The resultant fused image will be more informative and complete than any of the input images. The aim of image fusion is to integrate complementary as well as redundant information from multiple images to create a fused image output. Therefore the new image generated is more informative and accurate than any of the individual source. Multisensor data fusion has become a discipline which demands more general formal solutions to a number of application cases. Several situations in image processing require both high spatial and high spectral information in a single image. This is important in remote sensing. However, the instruments are not capable of providing such information either by design or because of observational constraints. One possible solution for this is data fusion. Image fusion can be broadly defined as the process of combing multiple input images or some of their features into a single image without the introduction of distortion or loss of information. The aim of image fusion is to integrate complementary as well as redundant information from multiple images to create a fused image output. Therefore, the new image generated should contain a more accurate description of the scene than any of the individual source images and is more suitable for human visual and machine perception or further image processing and analysis tasks. For medical image fusion, the fusion of images can often lead to additional clinical information not apparent in the separate images. Another advantage is that it can reduce the storage cost by storing just the single fused image instead of multisource images. 



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Thursday 15 November 2018

Vehicle License Number Plate Recognition VLNPR Matlab Project Source Code (IEEE Based Project)

         This project presents Automatic Number Plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition for Indian vehicles. In India, number plate models are not followed strictly. Characters on plate are in different Indian languages, as well as in English. Due to variations in the representation of number plates, vehicle number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition are crucial. We present the number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition work, with english characters. Number plate extraction is done using Sobel filter, morphological operations and connected component analysis. Character segmentation is done by using connected component and vertical projection analysis. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system is an important technique, used in Intelligent Transportation System. ANPR is an advanced machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their number plates without direct human intervention. It is an important area of research due to its many applications. The development of Intelligent Transportation System provides the data of vehicle numbers which can be used in follow up, analyses and monitoring. ANPR is important in the area of traffic problems, highway toll collection, borders and custom security, premises where high security is needed, like Parliament, Legislative Assembly, and so on. The complexity of automatic number plate recognition work varies throughout the world. For the standard number plate, ANPR system is easier to read and recognize. In India this task becomes much difficult due to variation in plate model.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Types of Brain Tumor Detection Using Matlab Project Source Code (IEEE Based Project)

            Image processing is a process where input image is processed to get output also as an image or attributes of the image. Main aim of all image processing techniques is to recognize the image or object under consideration easier visually. Segmentation of images holds a crucial position in the field of image processing. In medical imaging, segmentation is important for feature extraction, image measurements and image display. A tumor can be defined as a mass which grows without any control of normal forces. Real time diagnosis of tumors by using more reliable algorithms has been an active of the latest developments in medical imaging and detection of brain tumor in MR and CT scan images. Hence image segmentation is the fundamental problem used in tumor detection. Image segmentation can be defined as the partition or segmentation of a digital image into similar regions with a main aim to simplify the image under consideration into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze visually. Brain tumor is an abnormal growth caused by cells reproducing themselves in an uncontrolled manner. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) is the commonly used device for diagnosis. In MR images, the amount of data is too much for manual interpretation and analysis. During the past few years, brain tumor segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) has become an emergent research area in the field of medical imaging system. Accurate detection of size and location of brain tumor plays a vital role in the diagnosis of tumor. Image processing is an active research area in which medical image processing is a highly challenging field. Image segmentation plays a significant role in image processing as it helps in the extraction of suspicious regions from the medical images. In this project an efficient algorithm is proposed for Types of Brain tumor detection based on segmentation and clustering.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Vehicle License Number Plate Recognition Using Matlab Project Code

         This project presents Automatic Number Plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition for Indian vehicles. In India, number plate models are not followed strictly. Characters on plate are in different Indian languages, as well as in English. Due to variations in the representation of number plates, vehicle number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition are crucial. We present the number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition work, with english characters. Number plate extraction is done using Sobel filter, morphological operations and connected component analysis. Character segmentation is done by using connected component and vertical projection analysis. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system is an important technique, used in Intelligent Transportation System. ANPR is an advanced machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their number plates without direct human intervention. It is an important area of research due to its many applications. The development of Intelligent Transportation System provides the data of vehicle numbers which can be used in follow up, analyses and monitoring. ANPR is important in the area of traffic problems, highway toll collection, borders and custom security, premises where high security is needed, like Parliament, Legislative Assembly, and so on. The complexity of automatic number plate recognition work varies throughout the world. For the standard number plate, ANPR system is easier to read and recognize. In India this task becomes much difficult due to variation in plate model.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp: +917276355704

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