Saturday 31 March 2018

Matlab Project with Code for Electronic Online Voting Machine (EVM) Using Matlab

                    Electronic voting machine is generally used now days in some countries including India for conducting election of government in a country. But the Electronic voting machine has certain disadvantages like illegal voting and insecurity. Hence the concept of online voting system is started in some countries for conducting election. Most of the developed countries have started using online voting system but they are facing some problems in conducting it. Estonia is the only country started conducting the online voting system in national election. But the percentage of voting is only 20% to 30%. Different researchers have designed a online voting system But the system are not so much efficient in terms of accuracy and security. Also the voting system has high error rate. Hence the voting system is not flexible and can be used for specific region only. Biometric authentication is found to be more secure and accurate in certain application. Different biometric authentications like fingerprint, retina etc. can be used in designing an application to enhance the security. As fingerprint of every individual is unique it can be used for designing a voting system. Different fingerprint matching techniques has been discussed considering the FRR ratio.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Blood Group Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project with Source Code

           Determining of blood types is very important during emergency situation before administering a blood transfusion. Presently, these tests are performed manually by technicians, which can lead to human errors. Determination of the blood types in a short period of time and without human errors is very much essential. A method is developed based on processing of images acquired during the slide test. The image processing techniques such as thresholding and morphological operations are used. The images of the slide test are obtained from the pathological laboratory are processed and the occurrence of agglutination are evaluated. Thus the developed automated method determines the blood type using image processing techniques. The developed method is useful in emergency situation to determine the blood group without human error.
         Before the blood transfusion it is necessary to perform certain tests. One of these tests is the determination of blood type. There are certain emergency situations which due to the risk of patient life, it is necessary to administer blood immediately. The tests currently available require moving the laboratory, it may not be time enough to determine the blood type and is administered blood type O negative considered universal donor and therefore provides less risk of incompatibility. However, despite the risk of incompatibilities be less sometimes that cause death of the patient and it is essential to avoid them. Thus, the ideal would be to determine the blood type of the patient. Secondly, the pre-transfusion tests are performed by technicians, which lead to human errors. Since these human errors can translate into fatal consequences, being one of the most significant causes of fatal blood transfusions is important to automate the procedure of these tests. Various blood type classification, diffusive reflectance, ABO Rh-D blood typing using simple morphological image processing.There is a scope for determining blood types using image processing techniques. Image segmentation algorithm for blood type classification and various image processing parameters are analyzed. Image features, such as color, texture, shape are analyzed. Low quality ancient document images and antibody agent analysis using image processing is explained. The slide test consists of the mixture of one drop of blood and one drop of reagent, being the result interpreted according to the occurrence or not of agglutination. The combination of the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the agglutination determines the blood type of the patient. Thus, the software developed in image processing techniques allows, through an image captured after the procedure of the slide test detect the occurrence of agglutination and consequently the blood type of the patient.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Sunday 11 March 2018

Image Compression Using DCT and DWT Matlab Project with Source Code

                    Image compression means reducing the size of graphics file, without compromising on its quality. Depending on the reconstructed image, to be exactly same as the original or some unidentified loss may be incurred, two techniques for compression exist. Two techniques are: lossy techniques and lossless techniques. This project presents DWT and DCT implementation because these are the lossy techniques .This project aims at the compression using DCT and Wavelet transform by selecting proper method, better result for PSNR have been obtained.
                     Compression refers to reducing the quantity of data used to represent a file, image or video content without excessively reducing the quality of the original data. Image compression is the application of data compression on digital images. The main purpose of image compression is to reduce the redundancy and irrelevancy present in the image, so that it can be stored and transferred efficiently. The compressed image is represented by less number of bits compared to original. Hence, the required storage size will be reduced, consequently maximum images can be stored and it can transferred in faster way to save the time, transmission bandwidth. For this purpose many compression techniques i.e. scalar/vector quantization, differential encoding, predictive image coding, transform coding have been introduced. Among all these, transform coding is most efficient especially at low bit rate. Depending on the compression techniques the image can be reconstructed with and without perceptual loss. In lossless compression, the reconstructed image after compression is numerically identical to the original image. In lossy compression scheme, the reconstructed image contains degradation relative to the original. Lossy technique causes image quality degradation in each compression or decompression step. In general, lossy techniques provide for greater compression ratios than lossless techniques i.e. Lossless compression gives good quality of compressed images, but yields only less compression whereas the lossy compression techniques lead to loss of data with higher compression ratio. The approaches for lossy compression include lossy predictive coding and transform coding. Transform coding, which applies a Fourier-related transform such as DCT and Wavelet Transform such as DWT are the most commonly used approach. JPEG is the best choice for digitized photographs. The Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) system, based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), has been the most widely used compression method. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is an example of transform coding. The DCT coefficients are all real numbers unlike the Fourier Transform. The Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) can be used to retrieve the image from its transform representation. DCT is simple when JPEG used, for higher compression ratio the noticeable blocking artifacts across the block boundaries cannot be neglected. The DCT is fast. It can be quickly calculated and is best for images with smooth edges. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has gained widespread acceptance in signal processing and image compression. In this paper we made a comparative analysis of two transform coding techniques DCT and DWT based on different performance measure such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Compression Ratio (CR).



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Image Compression Using SPIHT Techniques Matlab Project with Source Code

                    In recent years there has been an astronomical increase in the usage of computers for a variety of tasks. With the advent of digital cameras, one of the most common uses has been the storage, manipulation, and transfer of digital images. The files that comprise these images, however, can be quite large and can quickly take up precious memory space on the computer’s hard drive. In multimedia application, most of the images are in color and color images contain lot of data redundancy and require a large amount of storage space. Set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) is wavelet based computationally very fast and among the best image compression based transmission algorithm that offers good compression ratios, fast execution time and good image quality. We will obtain a bit stream with increasing accuracy from EZW algorithm because of basing on progressive encoding to compress an image. All the numerical results were done by using matlab coding and the numerical analysis of this algorithm is carried out by sizing Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Compression Ratio (CR) for standard Image.
                    Digital image compression is now essential. Internet teleconferencing, High Definition Television (HDTV), satellite communications and digital storage of images will not be feasible without a high degree of compression. Wavelets became popular in past few years in mathematics and digital signal processing area because of their ability to effectively represent and analyze data. Typical application of wavelets in digital signal processing is image compression. Image compression algorithms based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT),such as Embedded Zero Wavelet (EZW) which produces excellent compression performance, both in terms of statistical peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and subjective human perception of the reconstructed image. Said and Pearlman further enhanced the performance of EZW by presenting a more efficient and faster implementation called set partitioning in hierarchical trees. SPIHT is one of the best algorithms in terms of the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and execution time. Set partitioning in hierarchical trees provide excellent rate distortion performance with low encoding complexity.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704

Image Restoration Using Multiple Thresholds Matlab Project with Source Code

               Image restoration is an art to improve the quality of image via estimating the amount of noises and blur involved in the image. With the passage of time, image gets degraded due to different atmospheric and environmental conditions, so it is required to restore the original image using different image processing algorithms. Application area varies from restoration of old images in museum and radar based image acquisition and restoration. Image restoration is based on the attempt to improve the quality of an image through knowledge of the physical process which led to its formation. The purpose of image restoration is to "compensate for" or "undo" defects which degrade an image. Degradation comes in many forms such as motion blur, noise, and camera mis-focus. In cases like motion blur, it is possible to come up with a very good estimate of the actual blurring function and "undo" the blur to restore the original image. In cases where the image is corrupted by noise, the best we may hope to do is to compensate for the degradation it caused. Image restoration differs from image enhancement in that the latter is concerned more with accentuation or extraction of image features rather than restoration of degradation's. 
               Restoration tries to reconstruct by using a priori knowledge of the degradation phenomenon. It deals with getting an optimal estimate of the desired result. Some restoration techniques are best achieved in the spatial domain, while there are some cases where frequency domain techniques are better suited The Purpose of smoothing is to reduce noise and improve the visual quality of the image. A variety of algorithms i.e. linear and nonlinear algorithms are used for filtering the images. Image filtering makes possible several useful tasks in image processing. A filtering technique can be applied to reduce the amount of unwanted noise in a particular image Another type of filter can be used to reverse the effects of blurring on a particular picture. Nonlinear filters have quite different behaviour as compared to linear filters. For nonlinear filters, the output or response of the filter does not follow the principles outlined earlier, particularly scaling and shift invariance. Moreover, a nonlinear filter can generate output that varies in a non-intuitive manner


Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

Image Fusion Using Curvelet Transform Matlab Project with Source Code

                 This Image fusion is a data fusion technology which keeps images as main research contents. It refers to the techniques that integrate multi-images of the same scene from multiple image sensor data or integrate multi images of the same scene at different times from one image sensor. The image fusion algorithm based on Wavelet Transform which faster developed was a multi-resolution analysis image fusion method in recent decade. Wavelet Transform has good time frequency characteristics. It was applied successfully in image processing field. Nevertheless, its excellent characteristic in one-dimension can’t be extended to two dimensions or multi-dimension simply. Separable wavelet which was spanning by one-dimensional wavelet has limited directivity. This project introduces the Curvelet Transform and uses it to fuse images. The experiments show that the method could extract useful information from source images to fused images so that clear images are obtained.
                  Image fusion is the process of merging two images of the same scene to form a single image with as much information as possible. Image fusion is important in many different image processing fields such as satellite imaging, remote sensing and medical imaging. The study in the field of image fusion has evolved to serve the advance in satellite imaging and then, it has been extended to the field of medical imaging. Several fusion algorithms have been proposed extending from the simple averaging to the curvelet transform. The wavelet fusion algorithm has succeeded in both satellite and medical image fusion applications. The basic limitation of the wavelet fusion algorithm is in the fusion of curved shapes. Thus, there is a requirement for another algorithm that can handle curved shapes. So, the application of the curvelet transform for curved object image fusion would result in better fusion efficiency.
              The main objective of medical imaging is to obtain a high resolution image with as much details as possible for the sake of diagnosis. MR and the CT techniques are medical imaging techniques. Both techniques give special sophisticated characteristics of the organ to be imaged. So, it is expected that the fusion of the MR and the CT images of the same organ would result in an integrated image of much more details. Due to the limited ability of the wavelet transform to deal with images having curved shapes, the application of the curvelet transform for MR and CT image fusion is presented.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

Video Steganography for Data Security Matlab Project with Source Code

            Information security has become the area of concern as a result of widespread use of communication medium over the internet. This paper focuses on the data security approach when combined with encryption and steganographic techniques for secret communication by hiding it inside the multimedia files. The high results are achieved by providing the security to data before transmitting it over the internet. The files such as images, audio, video contains collection of bits that can be further translated into images, audio and video. The files composed of insignificant bits or unused areas which can be used for overwriting of other data. This Project explains the proposed
algorithm using video steganography for enhancing data security.
                   The Steganography, Cryptography and Digital Watermarking techniques can be used to obtain security and privacy of data. The steganography is the art of hiding data inside another data such as cover medium by applying different steganographic techniques. While cryptography results in making the data human unreadable form called as cipher thus cryptography is scrambling of messages. Whereas the steganography results in exploitation of human awareness so it remains unobserved and undetected or intact. It is possible to use all file medium, digital data, or files as a cover medium in steganography. Generally steganography technique is applied where the cryptography is ineffective.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

Color Based Image Retrieval System Using Image Processing Matlab Project with Source Code

                  Advances in the data storage and image acquisition technologies have enabled the creation of large datasets. It is necessary to develop appropriate information systems to efficiently manage these collections. The most common approaches use Color-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system. The goal of CBIR system is to support image retrieval based on color. In a color based image retrieval system querying can be done by a query image. The goal is to find the images most resembling the query. In this Project we mainly focused on color histogram-based method. Color is most intuitive feature of an image and to describe colors generally histograms are adopted. Histogram methods have the advantages of speediness, low demand of memory space. Color features are the most important elements enabling human to recognize images. For categorizing images, color features can provide powerful information and they are used for image retrieval, so color based image retrieval is mostly used method. Color features of the images are generally represented by color histograms. Before using color histograms, however, we need to select and quantify a color space model and choose a distance metric. 



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

Brain Tumor Detection Using Rough Set Theory on Dicom Images Matlab Project with Source Code

                     Brain tumor is a life threatening disease and its early detection is very important to save life. The tumor region can be detected by segmentation of brain Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). Once a brain tumor is clinically suspected, radiologic evaluation is required to determine the location, the extent of the tumor, and its relationship to the surrounding structures. This information is very important and critical in deciding between the different forms of therapy such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. The segmentation must be fast and accurate for the diagnosis purpose. Manual segmentation of brain tumors from magnetic resonance images is a tedious and time-consuming task. Also the accuracy depends upon the experience of expert. Hence, the computer aided automatic segmentation has become important. MRI scanned images offer valuable information regarding brain tissues. MRI scans provide very detailed diagnostic pictures of most of the important organs and tissues in our body. It is generally painless and noninvasive. It does not produce ionizing radiation. So MRI is one of the best clinical imaging modalities. Several automated segmentation algorithms have been proposed. But still segmentation of MRI brain image remains as a challenging problem due to its complexity and there is no standard algorithm that can produce satisfactory results. The  aim of this research work is to propose and implement an efficient system for tumor detection and classification. The different steps involved in this work are image pre-processing for noise removal, feature extraction, segmentation and classification



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

Vehicle Number Plate Recognition Using Image Processing Matlab Project with Source Code

           This project presents Automatic Number Plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition for Indian vehicles. In India, number plate models are not followed strictly. Characters on plate are in different Indian languages, as well as in English. Due to variations in the representation of number plates, vehicle number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition are crucial. We present the number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition work, with english characters. Number plate extraction is done using Sobel filter, morphological operations and connected component analysis. Character segmentation is done by using connected component and vertical projection analysis. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system is an important technique, used in Intelligent Transportation System. ANPR is an advanced machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their number plates without direct human intervention. It is an important area of research due to its many applications. The development of Intelligent Transportation System provides the data of vehicle numbers which can be used in follow up, analyses
and monitoring. ANPR is important in the area of traffic problems, highway toll collection, borders and custom security, premises where high security is needed, like Parliament, Legislative Assembly, and so on. The complexity of automatic number plate recognition work varies throughout the world. For the standard number plate, ANPR system is easier to read and recognize. In India this task becomes much difficult due to variation in plate model. 
                  The ANPR work is generally framed into the steps: Number plate extraction, character segmentation and character recognition. From the entire input image, only the number plate is detected and processed further in the next step of character segmentation. In character segmentation phase each and every character is isolated and segmented. Based on the selection of prominent features of characters, each character is recognized, in the character recognition phase. Extraction of number plate is difficult task, essentially due to: Number plates generally occupy a small portion of whole image; difference in number plate formats, and influence of environmental factors. This step affects the accuracy of character segmentation and recognition work. Different techniques are developed for number plate extraction. 



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

Breast Cancer Detection Using Neural Networks Matlab Project with Source Code

                    Cancer is the major threat for human being health and its number of patients increasing word wide due to the global warming, even if there are new therapies and treatments proposed by research doctors, but level of cancer defines the ability of its cure. There are different types of cancers from which human being is suffering [male and female]. In this project we are focusing on breast cancer in women, rest allcancers are out of scope of this paper. Large number of women population is affected by the breast cancer. A different type of reasons causes the breast cancer such as X-Ray. For women’s, breast cancer is most common cancer, and it has been increasing since from last decade. The early detection of breast cancer helps to completely cure it through the treatment. The early detection is done by self-exam which can be done by woman in each month. This process is refereed as breast cancer early detection. However currently many hospitals and doctors uses the mammography test and resulted as effective technique for breast cancer early detection. The aim of this test is to perform early detection of breast cancer using characteristic masses detection as well as micro calcifications as these characteristics are considered as most important factor of breast cancer.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp:+91-7276355704

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp: +917276355704

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