Tuesday 28 August 2018

Matlab Project for Lung Cancer Detection Using Neural Network full Source Code || IEEE Based Project

             In today’s world ,image processing methodology is very rampantly used in several medical fields for image improvement which helps in early detection and analysis of the treatment stages ,time factor also plays a very pivtol role in discovering the abnormality in the target images like-lung cancer ,breast cancer etc. this research focuses upon image quality and accuracy. image quality assessment as well as improvement are dependent upon enhancement stage where low pre-processing techniques are used based upon gabor filter within Gaussian rules; thereafter the segmentation principles are applied over the enhanced region of the image and the input for feature extraction is obtained, further depending upon the general features, a normality comparison is made .in the following research the crucial detected features for accurate image comparison are pixel percentage and masking labelling. In this research we have done classification based upon artificial neural networks which is more satisfactory than other current classification methods.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Vehicle Number Plate Recognition Using Image Processing Full Source Code

           This project presents Automatic Number Plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition for Indian vehicles. In India, number plate models are not followed strictly. Characters on plate are in different Indian languages, as well as in English. Due to variations in the representation of number plates, vehicle number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition are crucial. We present the number plate extraction, character segmentation and recognition work, with english characters. Number plate extraction is done using Sobel filter, morphological operations and connected component analysis. Character segmentation is done by using connected component and vertical projection analysis. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system is an important technique, used in Intelligent Transportation System. ANPR is an advanced machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their number plates without direct human intervention. It is an important area of research due to its many applications. The development of Intelligent Transportation System provides the data of vehicle numbers which can be used in follow up, analyses
and monitoring. ANPR is important in the area of traffic problems, highway toll collection, borders and custom security, premises where high security is needed, like Parliament, Legislative Assembly, and so on. The complexity of automatic number plate recognition work varies throughout the world. For the standard number plate, ANPR system is easier to read and recognize. In India this task becomes much difficult due to variation in plate model. 
                  The ANPR work is generally framed into the steps: Number plate extraction, character segmentation and character recognition. From the entire input image, only the number plate is detected and processed further in the next step of character segmentation. In character segmentation phase each and every character is isolated and segmented. Based on the selection of prominent features of characters, each character is recognized, in the character recognition phase. Extraction of number plate is difficult task, essentially due to: Number plates generally occupy a small portion of whole image; difference in number plate formats, and influence of environmental factors. This step affects the accuracy of character segmentation and recognition work. Different techniques are developed for number plate extraction. 



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Breast Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Full Source Code

                    Cancer is the major threat for human being health and its number of patients increasing word wide due to the global warming, even if there are new therapies and treatments proposed by research doctors, but level of cancer defines the ability of its cure. There are different types of cancers from which human being is suffering [male and female]. In this project we are focusing on breast cancer in women, rest allcancers are out of scope of this paper. Large number of women population is affected by the breast cancer. A different type of reasons causes the breast cancer such as X-Ray. For women’s, breast cancer is most common cancer, and it has been increasing since from last decade. The early detection of breast cancer helps to completely cure it through the treatment. The early detection is done by self-exam which can be done by woman in each month. This process is refereed as breast cancer early detection. However currently many hospitals and doctors uses the mammography test and resulted as effective technique for breast cancer early detection. The aim of this test is to perform early detection of breast cancer using characteristic masses detection as well as micro calcifications as these characteristics are considered as most important factor of breast cancer.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Image Compression Using DCT and DWT full Source Code

                  Image compression means reducing the size of graphics file, without compromising on its quality. Depending on the reconstructed image, to be exactly same as the original or some unidentified loss may be incurred, two techniques for compression exist. Two techniques are: lossy techniques and lossless techniques. This project presents DWT and DCT implementation because these are the lossy techniques .This project aims at the compression using DCT and Wavelet transform by selecting proper method, better result for PSNR have been obtained.
                     Compression refers to reducing the quantity of data used to represent a file, image or video content without excessively reducing the quality of the original data. Image compression is the application of data compression on digital images. The main purpose of image compression is to reduce the redundancy and irrelevancy present in the image, so that it can be stored and transferred efficiently. The compressed image is represented by less number of bits compared to original. Hence, the required storage size will be reduced, consequently maximum images can be stored and it can transferred in faster way to save the time, transmission bandwidth. For this purpose many compression techniques i.e. scalar/vector quantization, differential encoding, predictive image coding, transform coding have been introduced. Among all these, transform coding is most efficient especially at low bit rate. Depending on the compression techniques the image can be reconstructed with and without perceptual loss. In lossless compression, the reconstructed image after compression is numerically identical to the original image. In lossy compression scheme, the reconstructed image contains degradation relative to the original. Lossy technique causes image quality degradation in each compression or decompression step. In general, lossy techniques provide for greater compression ratios than lossless techniques i.e. Lossless compression gives good quality of compressed images, but yields only less compression whereas the lossy compression techniques lead to loss of data with higher compression ratio. The approaches for lossy compression include lossy predictive coding and transform coding. Transform coding, which applies a Fourier-related transform such as DCT and Wavelet Transform such as DWT are the most commonly used approach. JPEG is the best choice for digitized photographs. The Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) system, based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), has been the most widely used compression method. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is an example of transform coding. The DCT coefficients are all real numbers unlike the Fourier Transform. The Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) can be used to retrieve the image from its transform representation. DCT is simple when JPEG used, for higher compression ratio the noticeable blocking artifacts across the block boundaries cannot be neglected. The DCT is fast. It can be quickly calculated and is best for images with smooth edges. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has gained widespread acceptance in signal processing and image compression. In this paper we made a comparative analysis of two transform coding techniques DCT and DWT based on different performance measure such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Compression Ratio (CR).



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Image Fusion Using Curvelet Transform Full Source Code

              Image fusion is a data fusion technology which keeps images as main research contents. It refers to the techniques that integrate multi-images of the same scene from multiple image sensor data or integrate multi images of the same scene at different times from one image sensor. The image fusion algorithm based on Wavelet Transform which faster developed was a multi-resolution analysis image fusion method in recent decade. Wavelet Transform has good time frequency characteristics. It was applied successfully in image processing field. Nevertheless, its excellent characteristic in one-dimension can’t be extended to two dimensions or multi-dimension simply. Separable wavelet which was spanning by one-dimensional wavelet has limited directivity. This project introduces the Curvelet Transform and uses it to fuse images. The experiments show that the method could extract useful information from source images to fused images so that clear images are obtained. Image fusion is the process of merging two images of the same scene to form a single image with as much information as possible. Image fusion is important in many different image processing fields such as satellite imaging, remote sensing and medical imaging. The study in the field of image fusion has evolved to serve the advance in satellite imaging and then, it has been extended to the field of medical imaging. Several fusion algorithms have been proposed extending from the simple averaging to the curvelet transform. The wavelet fusion algorithm has succeeded in both satellite and medical image fusion applications. The basic limitation of the wavelet fusion algorithm is in the fusion of curved shapes. Thus, there is a requirement for another algorithm that can handle curved shapes. So, the application of the curvelet transform for curved object image fusion would result in better fusion efficiency. 
            The main objective of medical imaging is to obtain a high resolution image with as much details as possible for the sake of diagnosis. MR and the CT techniques are medical imaging techniques. Both techniques give special sophisticated characteristics of the organ to be imaged. So, it is expected that the fusion of the MR and the CT images of the same organ would result in an integrated image of much more details. Due to the limited ability of the wavelet transform to deal with images having curved shapes, the application of the curvelet transform for MR and CT image fusion is presented.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Video Steganography for Data Security Full Source Code

            Information security has become the area of concern as a result of widespread use of communication medium over the internet. This paper focuses on the data security approach when combined with encryption and steganographic techniques for secret communication by hiding it inside the multimedia files. The high results are achieved by providing the security to data before transmitting it over the internet. The files such as images, audio, video contains collection of bits that can be further translated into images, audio and video. The files composed of insignificant bits or unused areas which can be used for overwriting of other data. This Project explains the proposed
algorithm using video steganography for enhancing data security.
                   The Steganography, Cryptography and Digital Watermarking techniques can be used to obtain security and privacy of data. The steganography is the art of hiding data inside another data such as cover medium by applying different steganographic techniques. While cryptography results in making the data human unreadable form called as cipher thus cryptography is scrambling of messages. Whereas the steganography results in exploitation of human awareness so it remains unobserved and undetected or intact. It is possible to use all file medium, digital data, or files as a cover medium in steganography. Generally steganography technique is applied where the cryptography is ineffective.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Image Steganography full Source Code

                  One of the most important factors of information technology and communication has been the security of the information. For security purpose the concept of Steganography is being used. Imperceptibility and hiding capacity are very important aspects for efficient secret communication. In this paper a new steganography approach proposed based on LSB technique by using ALPHA channel on JPG cover images. for this method first the secrete image decomposed to bit streams and the data encrypted using an encryption method. On the cover side, an alpha channel is attached to the cover image and the data embedded into LSBs of RGBA channels.
                    Steganographic methods can be broadly classified based on the embedding domain, digital steganography techniques are classified into (i) spatial domain, (ii) frequency domain. In Spatial domain image steganography, cover image is first decomposed in to its bits planes and then LSB’s (Least Significant Bits) of the bits planes are replaced with the secret data bits. As LSB’s are redundant bits and contributes very less to overall appearance of the pixel, replacing it has no perceptible effect on the cover-image. Advantages are high embedding capacity, ease of implementation and imperceptibility of hidden data. The major drawback is its vulnerability to various simple statistical analysis methods.The most direct way to represent pixel's colour is by giving an ordered triple of numbers: red (R), green (G), and blue (B) that comprises that particular colour. The other way is to use a table known as palette to store the triples, and use a reference into the table for each pixel. For transparent images, extra channel called the Alpha value is stored along with the RGB channels. RGBA image stands for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. It extends the RGB colour model with the alpha value representing the transparency of pixels. The A value varies from 0 to 255, in which 0 means completely transparent while 255 means opaque. PNG images follow the RGBA colour model. Bit-plane slicing decomposition highlighting the contribution made to the total image appearance by specific bits. Assuming that each pixel is represented by 8-bits, the image is composed of eight 1-bit planes. Plane (0) contains the least significant bit and plane contains the most significant bit. Only the higher order bits (top four) contain the majority visually significant data. The other bit planes contribute the more subtle details.There are many researches in each of the steganography techniques, and a brief description of some of this research is presented. In this work an alpha channel is attached to a cover image with RGB colour system ( 24 bits depth ), the resulting image is a PNG (Portable Network Graphics ) image with RGBA colour system ( 32 bits depth ), on the other hand, using Bit-plane Slicing decomposition on the secrete image to compress it and transform the gray-level secrete image to a binary bit stream, then the secrete message bit streams will encrypted with a key and embedded in the four colour planes of the cover image.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Palm Print Recognition System Using Image Processing Full Source Code

                 Palm  print  authentication  is  one  of  the  modern  bio-metric techniques, which employs the vein pattern  in  the  human palm  to  verify  the  person.  The merits  of  palm  vein  on classical  bio-metric  (e.g.  fingerprint,  iris,  face)  are  a  low risk  of  falsification,  difficulty  of  duplicated  and  stability. In  this  Project,  a  new  method  is  proposed  for  personal verification  based  on  palm  Print  features.  In  the propose method,  the  palm  vein  images  are  firstly  enhanced  and then  the  features  are extracted  by  using  bank  of  Gabor filters. Bio-metric   technology   refers   to   a pattern   recognition system  which  depends  on  physical  or  behavioral  features for the  person  identification.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Audio Denoising from Audio Signals Using DWT full Source Code

           Speech signal analysis is one of the important areas of research in multimedia applications. Discrete Wavelet technique is effectively reduces the unwanted higher or lower order frequency components in a speech signal. Wavelet-based algorithm for audio de-noising is worked out. We focused on audio signals corrupted with white Gaussian noise which is especially hard to remove because it is located in all frequencies. We use Discrete Wavelet transform (DWT) to transform noisy audio signal in wavelet domain. It is assumed that high amplitude DWT coefficients represent signal, and low amplitude coefficients represent noise. Using thresholding of coefficients and transforming them back to time domain it is possible to get audio signal with less noise. Our work has been modified by changing universal thresholding of coefficients which results with better audio signal. In this various parameters such as SNR, Elapsed Time, and Threshold value is analyzed on various types of wavelet techniques alike Coiflet, Daubechies, Symlet etc. In all these, best Daubechies as compared to SNR is more for Denoising and Elapsed Time is less than others for Soft thresholding. In using hard thresholding Symlet wavelet also works better than coiflet and Daubechies is best for all. Efficiency is 98.3 for de-noising audio signals which also gives us better results than various filters.
         Audio noise reduction system is the system that is used to remove the noise from the audio signals. Audio noise reduction systems can be divided into two basic approaches. The first approach is the complementary type which involves compressing the audio signal in some well-defined manner before it is recorded (primarily on tape). The second approach is the single-ended or non-complementary type which utilizes techniques to reduce the noise level already present in the source material—in essence a playback only noise reduction system. This approach is used by the LM1894 integrated circuit, designed specifically for the reduction of audible noise in virtually any audio source. Noise reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Shape Detection and Recognition Using Image Processing full Source Code

             Doing image processing and especially blob analysis it is often required to check some objects' shape and depending on it perform further processing of a particular object or not. For example, some applications may require finding only circles from all the detected objects, or quadrilaterals, rectangles, etc. Human vision seems to make use of many sources of information to detect and recognize an object in a scene. At the lowest level of object recognition, researchers agree that edge and region information are utilized to extract a “perceptual unit” in the scene. Some of the possible invariant features are recognized and additional signal properties (texture or appearance) are sent to help in making the decision as to whether a point belongs to an object or not. In many cases, boundary shape information, such as therectangular shapes of vehicles in aerial imagery, seems to play a crucial role. Local features such as the eyes in a human face are sometimes useful. These features provide strong clues for recognition, and often they are invariant to many scene variables.The study of shapes is a recurring theme in computer vision. For example, shape is one of the main sources of information that can be used for object recognition. In medical image analysis, geometrical models of anatomical structures play an important role in automatic tissue segmentation. The shape of an organ can also be used to diagnose diseases. In a completely different setting, shape plays an important role in the perception of optical illusions (we tend to see particular shapes) and this can be used to explain how our visual system interprets the ambiguous and incomplete information available in an image. Characterizing the shape of a specific rigid object is not a particularly hard problem, although using the shape information to solve perceptual tasks is not easy.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Object Detection and Tracking using Background Subtraction Full Source Code

             Digital image processing is one of the most researched fields nowadays. The ever increasing need of surveillance systems has further on made this field the point of emphasis. Surveillance systems are used for security reasons, intelligence gathering and many individual needs. Object tracking and detection is one of the main steps in these systems. Different techniques are used for this task and research is vastly done to make this system automated and to make it reliable. In this research subjective quality assessment of object detection and object tracking is discussed in detail. In the proposed system the background subtraction is done from the clean original image by using distortion of color and brightness.  The detection of a moving object and tracking of different objects in a video or video sequence is a very important task in the surveillance videos, analysis and monitoring of traffic, tracking and detection of humans and different gesture recognition in human-machine interface. The technique of Object tracking can be explained to be the method of tracking the different number of objects in the video and also the certain directions those objects are traversing in and also to track the entrances to the surveillance site as per the unit time. The sophistication and the complexity of the system determine the resolution of the measurement. This system is often deployed in public places such as shopping malls, metro stations, airports and independent surveillance requests. Different approaches can be used for the surveillance and different technologies used as computer vision, infrared beams and thermal imaging. The reasons for object tracking are many For example People counting in retail stores for intelligence gathering can be regarded as one. This is used for the calculation of the conversion rate and rating of the store by the number of customers to the store rather than the old use of the sales data.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Plant Disease Detection & Classification on Leaf Images using Image Processing Full Source Code

                  Diseases decrease the productivity of plant. Which restrict the growth of plant and quality and quantity of plant also reduces. Image processing is best way for detecting and diagnosis the diseases. In which initially the infected region is found then different features are extracted such as color, texture and shape. Finally classification technique is used for detecting the diseases. There are different feature extraction techniques for extracting the color, texture and edge features such as color space, color histogram, grey level co-occurrence matrix (CCM), Gabor filter, Canny and Sobel edge detector. India is agricultural country and most of population depends on agriculture. Farmers have wide range of selection in Fruit and Vegetable crops. The cultivation can be improved by technological support. Disease is caused by pathogen in plant at any environmental condition. In most of the cases diseases are seen on the leaves, fruits and stems of the plant, therefore detection of disease plays an important role in successful cultivation of crops. In most of cases plant diseases are caused by pathogens, microorganism, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc. Sometimes unhealthy environment
include soil and water is also responsible for diseases in plants.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Emotion Detection Using Facial Expression Full Source Code

             This project objective is to introduce needs and applications of facial expression recognition. Between Verbal & Non-Verbal form of communication facial expression is form of non-verbal communication but it plays pivotal role. It express human perspective or filling & his or her mental situation. A big research has been addressed to enhance Human Computer Interaction (HCI) over two decades. This project includes introduction of facial emotion recognition system, Application, comparative study of popular face expression recognition techniques & phases of automatic facial expression recognition system. Emotional aspects have huge impact on Social intelligence like communication understanding, decision making and also helps in understanding behavioral aspect of human. Emotion play pivotal role during communication. Emotion recognition is carried out in diverse way, it may be verbal or non-verbal .Voice (Audible) is verbal form of communication & Facial expression, action, body postures and gesture is non-verbal form of communication. While communicating only 7% effect of message is contributes by verbal part as a whole, 38% by vocal part and 55% effect of the speaker’s message is contributed by facial expression. For that reason automated & real time facial expression would play important role in human and machine interaction. Facial expression recognition would be useful from human facilities to clinical practices. Analysis of facial expression plays fundamental roles for applications which are based on emotion recognition like Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Social Robot, Animation, Alert System & Pain monitoring for patients.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project For Automatic OMR Answer Sheet Evaluation Using Image Processing Full Source Code

           This project aims to develop Image processing based Optical Mark Recognition sheet scanning system. Today we find that lot of competitive exams are been conducted as entrance exams. These exams consists of MCQs. The students have to fill the right box or circle for the appropriate answer to the respective questions. During the inspection or examining phase normally a stencil is provided to the examiner to determine the right answer to the questions. This is a manual process and a lot of errors can occur in the manual process such as counting mistake and many more. To avoid this mistakes OMR system is used. In this system OMR answer sheet will be scanned and the scanned image of the answer sheet will be given as input to the software system. Using Image processing we will find the answers marked to each of the questions. Summation of the marks & displaying of total marks will be also implemented. The implementation is done using Matlab
        In today’s modern world of technology when everything is computerized, the Evaluation exercise of examining and assessing the educational system has become absolute necessity. Today, more emphasis is on objective exam which is preferred to analyze scores of the students since it is simple and requires less time in the examining objective answer-sheet as compared to the subjective answer-sheet. This project proposes a new technique for generating scores of multiple-choice tests which are done by developing a technique that has software based approach with computer & scanner which is simple, efficient & reliable to all with minimal cost. Its main benefit to work with all available scanners, In addition no special paper & colour required for printing for marksheet. To recognize & allot scores to the answer marked by of the student’s.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for DCT Based Image Watermarking Full Source Code || Engineering Projects

              Digital watermarking is a technology for embedding various types of information in digital content. In general, information for protecting copyrights and proving the validity of data is embedded as a watermark. A digital watermark is a digital signal or pattern inserted into digital content. The digital content could be a still image, an audio clip, a video clip, a text document, or some form of digital data that the creator or owner would like to protect. The main purpose of the watermark is to identify who the owner of the digital data is, but it can also identify the intended recipient. The DCT allows an image to be broken up into different frequency bands, making it much easier to embed watermarking information into the middle frequency bands of an image. It has become easy to connect to the Internet from home computers and obtain or provide various information using the World Wide Web (WWW). All the information handled on the Internet is provided as digital content. Such digital content can be easily copied in a way that makes the new file indistinguishable from the original. Then the content can be reproduced in large quantities. For example, if paper bank notes or stock certificates could be easily copied and used, trust in their authenticity would greatly be reduced, resulting in a big loss. To prevent this, currencies and stock certificates contain watermarks. These watermarks are one of the methods for preventing counterfeit and illegal use. Digital watermarks apply a similar method to digital content. Watermarked content can prove its origin, thereby protecting copyright. A watermark also discourages piracy by silently and psychologically deterring criminals from making illegal copies.In digital management, multimedia content and data can easily be used in an illegal way—being copied, modified and distributed again. In this paper, we apply DCT technique to embed the watermark. With the help of DCT technique we can insert the data in short variation of time. A digital watermark is an invisible mark embedded in digital image which may be used for Copyright Protection. We describe a watermarking scheme for ownership verification and authentication. Depending on the desire of the user, the watermark can be either visible or invisible. The scheme can detect any modification made to the image and indicate the specific locations that have been modified.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Audio Denoising full Source Code || Final Year Project || IEEE Based Project

                Audio noise reduction system is the system that is used to remove the noise from the audio signals. Audio noise reduction systems can be divided into two basic approaches. The first approach is the complementary type which involves compressing the audio signal in some well-defined manner before it is recorded (primarily on tape). The second approach is the single-ended or non-complementary type which utilizes techniques to reduce the noise level already present in the source material in essence a playback only noise reduction system. Noise reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal.Digital filters effectively reduce the unwanted higher or lower order frequency components in a speech signal. In this paper the speech enhancement is performed using different digital filters .In this real noisy environment is taken into consideration in the form of Gaussian noise. The Time domain as well as frequency domain representation of the signal spectra is performed using Fast Fourier transformation technique. MATLAB in built functions are used to carry out the simulation. Gaussian type noise is added using in-built function randn () and keyboard noise is added as a second speech file to the original speech signal. The filters remove the lower frequency components of noise and recover the original speech signal. It is also observed that keyboard noise is typical to remove as compared to Gaussian type but these filters performed well to get sharper spectra of original speech signal. Speech signal analysis is one of the important areas of research in multimedia applications. Discrete Wavelet technique is effectively reduces the unwanted higher or lower order frequency components in a speech signal. Wavelet-based algorithm for audio de-noising is worked out. We focused on audio signals corrupted with white Gaussian noise which is especially hard to remove because it is located in all frequencies.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Video Compression full Source Code || Final Year Project || IEEE Based Project

            The huge usage of digital multimedia via communications, wireless communications, Internet, Intranet and cellular mobile leads to incurable growth of data flow through these Media. The researchers go deep in developing efficient techniques in these fields such as compression of data, image and video. Recently, video compression techniques and their applications in many areas (educational, agriculture, medical …) cause this field to be one of the most interested fields. Wavelet transform is an efficient method that can be used to perform an efficient compression technique. This work deals with the developing of an efficient video compression approach based on frames  difference approaches that concentrated on the calculation of frame near distance (difference between frames). The selection of the meaningful frame depends on many factors such as compression performance, frame details, frame size and near distance between frames. Three different approaches are applied for removing the lowest frame difference. In this project videos are tested to insure the efficiency of this technique, in addition a good performance results has been obtained. 



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Face Recognition Based Attendance Maintainance System Full Source Code || Final Year Project || IEEE Based Project

        Preserving the attendance is very crucial in all the institutes for checking the overall performance of students. Each institute has its very own method in this regard. A few are taking attendance manually using the old paper or document based approach and some have adopted techniques of automated attendance the use of few biometric techniques. There are many computerised methods to be had for this reason i.e. biometric attendance. All these methods additionally waste time due to the fact that college students or employees have to make a queue to contact their thumb on the scanning device. This gadget makes use of the face recognition approach for the computerised attendance of students in the study room environment without lectures intervention or the employee .This attendance is recorded with the aid of usage of a digital camera connected in the study room or the working environment i.e. constantly shooting photos of students or employees, discover the faces in pix and examine the detected faces with the database and mark the attendance.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project with Source Code for Detection of Cardiac Disease from ECG Signal Data || IEEE Based Project

            Modern day lifestyle and our ignorance towards health have put the most vital organ of our body Heart at great risk. India today is witnessing a lot many young people suffering from heart diseases which even lead to untimely demise. Most common heart abnormality includes arrhythmia which is nothing but irregular beating of heart. Going by the trend/statistics, middle aged people (30-45yrs) are at great risk because of high stress in both personal and professional lives. This necessitates the need for a system which can not only detect any anomaly in functioning of our heart but warns us against any threat. Our project is based on developing such a system that can give us prior information about the upcoming threat or the heart disease which we are prone to. Cardiac arrhythmia is a major kind of abnormal heart activity. An arrhythmia is a problem with the heartbeat rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. For the period of an arrhythmia, the heart may beat too fast or too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. Fast heartbeat is said to be tachycardia whereas slow is called Bradycardia. Classification of cardiac arrhythmia is a difficult task. One of the ways to detect cardiac arrhythmia is to use electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The ECG is the most important biomedical-signal used by cardiologists for diagnostic purposes. The ECG signal provides all the required information about the electrical activity of the heart. The early detection of the cardiac arrhythmias can save lives and enhance the quality of living through appreciates treatment.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Emotion and Gender Recognition Using Image Processing || IEEE Based Project || Final Year Projects

              The most important and impressive biometric feature of human being is the face. It conveys various information including gender, ethnicity etc. Face information can be applied in many sectors like biometric authentication and intelligent human-computer interface. Many potential applications such as human identification, smart human computer interface, computer vision approaches for monitoring people, passive demographic data collection, and etc needs a successful and dependable classification method. It is really a very challenging job to detect male or female accurately separating two sets of data. So it is very urgent to have a reliable classifier to improve the classification performance.This project presents an approach to extract effective features for face detection and gender classification system. In various biometric applications, gender recognition from facial images plays an important role. In this project gender recognition image sequence have been successfully investigated. Gender recognition plays an important role for a wide range of application in the field of Human Computer Interaction. The system comprises two modules: a face detector and a gender classifier. The human faces are first detected and localized in the input image. Each detected face is then passed to the gender classifier to determine whether it is a male or female.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Object Tracking Form Video Full Source Code || Final Year Project || IEEE Based Project

               The ongoing research on object tracking in video sequences has attracted many researchers. Detecting the objects in the video and tracking its motion to identify its characteristics has been emerging as a demanding research area in the domain of image processing and computer vision. Most of the methods include object segmentation using background subtraction. The tracking strategies use different methodologies like Mean-shift, Kalman filter, Particle filter etc. The performance of the tracking methods vary with respect to background information. In this survey, we have discussed the feature descriptors that are used in tracking to describe the appearance of objects which are being tracked as well as object detection techniques. In this survey, we have classified the tracking methods into three groups, and a providing a detailed description of representative methods in each group, and find out their positive and negative aspects.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Rain Removal using Image Processing full Source Code || IEEE Based Project || Final Year Project

                 The rain removal from an image in the rainy season is also a required task to identify the object in it. It is a challenging problem and has been recently investigate extensively. In this project the entropy maximization and background estimation based method is used for the rain removal. This method is based on single-image rain removal framework. The raindrops are greatly differing from the background, as the intensity of rain drops is higher the background. The entropy maximization is very much suitable for the rain removal. Experimental results express the efficacy of the rain removal by proposed algorithm is better than the method based on saturation and visibility features. The rain and non-rain parts in a single image are very closely mixed up and the identification of rain streaks is not an easy task. In this project, we compare a single-image rain streak removal based on morphological component analysis (MCA) by decomposition of rain streaks. The signal and image processing for the filtering and region specification are discussed in the previous works. In this method, a bilateral filter is applied for an image to decompose it into the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) parts. The HF part is then decomposed into rain component and non-rain component by performing sparse coding and dictionary learning on MCA.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Matlab Project for Image Forgery Detection Full Source Code || IEEE Based Project || Final Year Project

             Image forgery means manipulation of digital image to conceal meaningful information of the image. The detection of forged image  is  driven  by  the  need  of  authenticity  and  to  maintain integrity of the image. A copy move forgery detection theme victimization adaptive  over  segmentation  and have  purpose feature matching is proposed. The proposed scheme integrates both block based   and   key point based   forgery   detection  methods. The proposed adaptive over segmentation algorithm segments  the  host  image  into  non over lapping  and  irregular blocks adaptively. Then, the feature points are extracted from  each  block  as  block  features,  and  the  block  features  are matched with one another to locate the labeled feature points; this   procedure can   approximately indicate   the   suspected forgery    regions.    To    detect    the    forgery regions more accurately, we propose the forgery region extraction algorithm which  replaces  the  features  point  with  small super  pixels  as feature  blocks  and  them  merges  the  neighboring  blocks  that have  similar  local color  features  into  the  feature  block  to generate    the    merged    regions. Finally,    it    applies    the morphological  operation  to  merged  regions  to  generate  the detected forgery regions. In cut paste image forgery detection, proposed   digital   image   forensic techniques capable   of detecting  global  and  local contrast  enhancement,  identifying the use of histogram equalization.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

Age and Gender Recognition Using Image Processing Matlab Project with Source Code || IEEE Based Project || Final Year Project

               In this project, a fast and efficient gender and age estimation system based on facial images is developed. There are many methods have been proposed in the literature for the age estimation and gender classification. However, all of them have still disadvantage such as not complete reflection about face structure, face texture. We classified the gender and age based on the association of two methods: geometric feature based method and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method for improving the efficiency of facial feature extraction stage. The face database contains the 13 individual groups. Within a given database, all weight vectors of the persons within the same age group are averaged together. Experimental results show that better gender classification and age estimation. Gender classification is important visual tasks for human beings, such as many social interactions critically depend on the correct gender perception. As visual surveillance and human-computer interaction technologies evolve, computer vision systems for gender classification will play an increasing important role in our lives. Age prediction is concerned with the use of a training set to train a model that can estimate the age of the facial images.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +91-7276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

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Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile / WhatsApp: +917276355704
Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com

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